by Herr_Bert
Couples who get married are so optimistic and hopeful about their future life together. They are so happy in love, enjoying the new bond they made together, its as though time for that moment stood absolutely still and the rest of the world didn’t exist. You both were so madly in love, that nothing could separate you and a minute spent apart seemed like an eternity. Life was BLISS… Miserably, not all marriage relationships were made to last, no matter how much blessings, good fortune or luck was bestowed on the marriage at it’s conception. Somethings weren’t meant to be… or were they?
At least 50% of marriages end up on the divorce heap or carefully filed in a round file in the trash can. If you’re determined to not only work at it, but ready to exert positive action in the hope to avoid, at all cost a terrible break up and strengthen your marriage, then heres a little suggestion of what you can do and some advice that you can have for free. Get marriage counseling, the first solution every married couple should attempt when the relationships wheels fall off.
Marriage counseling? you may ask. For your sake and mine, I’ll honestly answer the question as best I can in no time flat. From the beginning of the marriage counseling session, the counselor helps couples, draw their attention to any conflicting matters they may have to resolve any problems hindering the relationship. During the marriage counseling sessions, the counselor helps to bring out and underpin any repressed feelings the couple may be suffering and focuses on any hidden core issues the marriage is experiencing, to find an easy step by step, pragmatic plan.
What kind of Marriage counseling questions will I be asked?
The marriage counselors task at hand is to listen carefully to each others side of the story, ask you both direct personal questions and examine your answers, with out prejudice. The marriage counselors main goal is to work with the couple in a safe-haven surroundings, so each person can express how they feel in an open and honest discussion with no shouting, name calling, finger pointing or arguing. Questions should touch on issues that reflect various problems the couple may have had in the past, compounded to the present and probably worsening in the future. The marriage counselor uses a majority of his time, during the consultation in and around past events. The couples past can reveal the root cause that troubled the marriage in the first instance and the marriage counselor can resolve it. Decisions made by each spouse at present without addressing past problems will only repeat the same decisions process in future, so through out the counseling session, the counselor encourages each couple to discuss the past and current situation in their relationship to gather more information. Its compulsory that both parties, individually participate in explaining their situation in order not to see the relationship from the same point of view or in the same light. Basically having one person seeing the relationship from one angle and the partner from another, the marriage counselor will be able to view the relationship from both sides.
A more common question asked by marriage counselors, is if they have children, and How are you coping with the situation of your children?
The children have precedence over the adults especially the young ones, when discussing their welfare situation, they must be protected and cared for at all times. No exceptions, no excuses, their your living priceless treasures. Cherish them.
Marriage counselor might ask what marriage goals the couple would like to meet and what they want from the counseling sessions. In order for the marriage counselor to know which direction the marriage should take, it is extremely imperative the couple have realistic goals. What type of help will they get? What type of results they could expect? How much more counseling do they need? are but a few questions a couple might ask. With those questions in mind the counselor will search for a practical plan that the couple could use to achieve their goal together. Clear and defined goals rapidly increases the success rate of the marriage counseling and relationship.
Marriages in serious trouble can attain dynamic results from the help and guidance of marriage counseling.
By consulting with a marriage counselor, couples can work through their marital differences even if the marriage is on the rocks. With a ton of patience and professional help, you and your spouse can successfully save your relationship, maintain a beautiful family and remain happily married.
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